Los Angeles Updates LARR Process to Use ANAB 17065 Certified Process

Los Angeles Updates LARR Process to Use ANAB 17065 Certified Process

DrJ Engineering

DrJ Staff

Historically the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) has had its unique approach to the product approval process. This was to create a Los Angeles Research Report (LARR) or use what was termed an Evaluation Report (ER) by a Nationally Recognized Model Code Agency.

Recently, LADBS invited DrJ to participate in discussions related to updating their process. As set forth by Mr. Osama Younan, the General Manager, Superintendent of Building for LADBS, the mission of these meetings was to streamline the LADBS alterative material, product, and method of construction process through the use of “third-party expertise.” His stated goal was to focus LADBS staff’s expertise on their plan review and building design approval process.

These discussions resulted in an updated “alternative product approval” process that LADBS staff have already implemented.

Los Angeles plan reviewers will now approve accredited product certification bodies, including DrJ, where the product certification agency is listed in the directory of the following International Accreditation Forum signatories that perform ISO/IEC 17065 conformity assessments:

  1. ANAB Accredited Third-Party Certification Bodies ISO/IEC 17065
  2. International Accreditation Service (IAS) ISO/IEC 17065
  3. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) ISO/IEC 17065
  4. International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS) ISO/IEC 17065

Based on discussions with LADBS, and to make decision-making easier for them, it will serve your best interest to facilitate the LADBS approval process in the following manner: 

  1. If possible have your customer include, with the plans and specifications for any project using your certified products, their current CBI/DrJ Listing/TER. Please also note that CBI is a LADBS approved ISO/IEC 17025 testing agency.
  2. Include the “accredited certification body scope of expertise” document as an aid for quick approval given that LADBS staff desires to know that the report provided is inside the certification body’s scope of expertise.

Please contact us if we can help more in any way.